303 Lager
Lager - American Light
Station 26 Brewing Co
303 Lager is a crisp and refreshing lager brewed with 100% malt (no adjuncts, yay!) and a touch of Saphir hops, weighing in at 5% ABV and 17 IBUs, this is the perfect beer for good times.
303 Lager is available to buy in increments of 2
303 Lager is a crisp and refreshing lager brewed with 100% malt (no adjuncts, yay!) and a touch of Saphir hops, weighing in at 5% ABV and 17 IBUs, this is the perfect beer for good times.
Package | 12oz Can |
Style | Lagers, Blonde & Cream Ales |
beer flavor | light-beers |
ABV | 5.000000 |
IBU | 17.000000 |
Untappd Score | 3.49132 |
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